Getting the Most Out of Your Dildo
Using a dildo is fun, but you can have even more fun if you know how to get the most out of it. And it’s really not that complicated. Your friends at Top Drawer Toys have compiled this brief guide to playing with a dildo to ensure you’re not short-changing yourself! You purchased that vibrator to live up to your full orgasmic potential, so don’t stop now. Let’s find out how to get the most out of your dildo!
Defining Sensuality
Before we begin, let’s get a handle on what sensuality is as a part of sex. Sex is about much more than body parts and which fit where. When sensuality is focused on, sex implicates the whole person, engaging the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual components of the whole. When these components of the human organism are in balance, wellness results – and the sizzling orgasms that go with it! So, using a dildo is about tapping into the deep well of sensuality within you and exploiting its riches.
Using a dildo is an appeal to the sensual side of sex. With your dildo, you do more than induce an orgasm. While that’s the destination you’re headed to, the journey is as important as the destination. The physical senses are not detached from intellect, emotion, or spirit. All of you is engaged and so, playing with a dildo is a way to re-awaken your understanding of sex as a holistic (whole person) activity. When all of you is engaged, sex takes on a much deeper character.
Preparation for Using a Dildo
Think of your dildo not as a means to an end so much as a pleasure facilitator. Whether you’re playing with a dildo alone or with a partner, your sex toy is there to provide something different – another layer of play that escalates the sensual side of sex.
As we noted above, the journey is as important as the destination and a sex toy can underscore this by making you focus on the sensations imparted. But first, make sure to set the scene and that scene can look very different depending on who you’re talking to.
Most crucial are privacy and comfort. Make sure you feel secure in the space you’ve chosen, whether solo or with a partner. Distractions can also put a damper on your fun, so choose a retreat where there won’t be any. Make sure you have everything needed in your play space, including lube and condoms. Let’s talk about why you need those when using a dildo.
Using a Dildo Demands Keeping It Clean
Your vibrator needs to be cleaned regularly. Choose a good toy cleaner and wash your toy between uses with gentle soap and water. Even if you’re only penetrating yourself, you need to prevent the accumulation of bacteria on your vibrator by cleaning it regularly. Nobody needs a urinary tract or yeast infection.
But if you’re playing with someone else and penetrative sex is involved, you need to take the step of wrapping that buddy to prevent the transmission of STIs. Further, if you enjoy anal play with your sex toy, then sheathing it with a condom is not optional; it’s imperative. Scrupulous cleanliness with your sex toys is part of sexual health.
Playing With a Dildo With Lube: Slippery Delight
Not everyone’s sexually-engaged orifices auto-lubricate. And even if they do, lubricant adds to the sensuality of using a dildo. Choose a lube that’s safe to use with the material your sex toy’s made of. While silicone toys are terrific, you need to avoid using silicone lube with them, for example.
But lubricant isn’t just for penetration. It can make a sensually surprising difference to approaching erogenous zones or “hot spots” all over your body. A little dab of lube here, there, or anywhere, elevates the proceedings and eliminates the possibility of your sex toy “catching” on your skin as it rubs against you. Warming lubes provide even greater sensual enhancement.
Here’s to Your Sexual Health
Using a dildo needn’t be a mundane, functional matter. Making it a full-blown sensual experience is how you get the most out of it. Using a dildo is a practice that holds incredible potential for improving human sexual health.
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